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September 14, 2016
That's a Shame: NFL Viewership Down
Oh well.
Ed Morrissey says this:
The lesson? If the NFL doesn’t want to provide an escape, then fans will create their own escape.
Yeah, people aren't setting aside four hours and making plates of nachos to watch Social Justice Warrior Pageants.
If these creeps would like to try their hand at airing such a program, featuring NFL "stars" (or approximations of such), by all means, go ahead.
But maybe this is the first shot in a culture war counter-offensive which has been a long, long time coming.
Vox populi, vox dei.
Meanwhile, the NCAA is pulling seven important contests from North Carolina due to North Carolina's backwards, anti-Science stance that men have penises and women have gynies.
Quick, let's pour money in their pockets and make all of their leftist dreams come true before we lose our chance.
I'm reminded of a scene from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, when Arthur Dent is protesting his home's demolition by laying his body in front of the bullldozer, to prevent it from destroying his house.
"Know how much damage this bulldozer would suffer if I let it roll right over you?" the construction crew chief asks.
"No, how much?" Arthur asks.
"None at all," the crew chief says.
Does the NFL and NCAA know how much damage we'd suffer in our lives if we took back hours and hours of wasted time per week and used them for more thoughtful and fulfilling (and less politically toxic) endeavors?
None at all. None at all.
If I can re-purpose an Erick Erickson quote and re-direct it towards our Social Justice Warrior Corporate Masters, who are determined to destroy us:
You will be made to care about when we've reached our limits with you.
(Latter item thanks to CBD.)