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September 11, 2016
Sunday Night Overnight Open Thread (9/11/16) [Mis. Hum.]
New York City's World Trade Center (WTC) was a complex of 7 buildings and opened for business on April 4, 1973. The "Twin Towers", 1 World Trade Center was 1,368 feet tall, 2 World Trade Center was 1,362 feet tall. At that time they were the tallest buildings in the world. Little did the architects and contractors know that their creation would be a target of destruction.
On February 26, 1993, a rented truck containing approximately 1,300 pounds of nitrate-hydrogen gas enhanced bomb laced with cyanide was driven to the WTC. It was parked in a garage beneath 2 WTC building. The truck bomb exploded at 12:18 PM. The explosion left a crater 200 feet by 100 feet. As a result of this explosion, 6 people were killed and over 1,000 injured.
There were a number of terrorists responsible for this attack. 6 of the 7 directly charged are currently in U.S. prisons.
The devastation was a calling card left by Islamic terrorists.The WTC was repaired. On March 29, 1993 the WTC re-opens.
Fast forward 8 years and 197 days.
At 8:46 AM September 11, 2001 hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 is flown into the north tower of the WTC.
At 9:03 AM United Airlines Flight 175, another hijacked flight, is flown into the south tower of the WTC.
Unable to retreat from floors above the plane strikes numerous occupants fall to their deaths.
American Airlines Flight 77 the third flight hijacked that morning hit the Pentagon.
The 4th and final plane hijacked that morning was United Airlines Flight 93. It is believed that the intended target was the U.S. Capitol. This plane crashed at 10:03 AM near Shanksville, Pa. after passengers attempted to take control from the hijackers.
Flight 93 Memorial.
2,996 people were killed and over 6,000 were injured 15 years ago. 265 perished on the 4 planes. 125 died at the Pentagon and 2,606 in and around the WTC.
The excuses and rationalization for these attacks over the years have been amazing. One of the the excuses is that those "poor" middle eastern folks are poor and uneducated.
The master mind of Al Qeda, Osama bin Laden certainly didn't fit into that category.
Using the fruits of his family's success - a personal fortune estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars - he developed Al Qaeda into a militant trans-national network.
As the years roll by the conspiracy theories abound. Another reason to avoid FaceBook.
Make no mistake about what drives these people. It is hate. It is hate for everything Western. Rumiyah, Islamic State's online magazine, refers to Australia as "a land cloaked in darkness and corrupted by kufr, fornication, and all forms of vice."
How do you win in the arena of ideas when these people want to conquer or kill you?
The next time someone tells you that Islam is the Religion of Peace. You respond by telling them that they have been striking at the West for 1400 years.
Today's date is now known National Day of Service
In case you missed Ace and Weirddave covering this story. Who the hell thought this was a good idea? Who the hell thought this was funny? Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by Love of Country.
Posted by permission of AcCorp, LLC. Tips for the ONT can be directed to aoshqont@gmail.com or here. Other tips can be sent to Ace.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:13 PM
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