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September 11, 2016
NFL Football: Week One [CBD]
It's NFL Football time at Chez Dildo!
Ace wrote approvingly last week about boycotting the entertainment industry, and the NFL in particular for its acceptance of the government-approved corporate culture that, to put it crudely, pisses in our faces pretty much every day.
The Nazis did not take over corporations as a communist country would. Instead, they formed a socialist model called "fascist corporatism" in which corporations remained formally under the ownership of their, well, owners, but the state dictated to them how they would run their companies, for the benefit of the almighty State.
Can anyone disagree with the broad strokes of this statement as it applies to today's America? We have become what we fought against.
Ace goes on....
Yes, the NFL is a big player in this. As is the NBA, boycotting a state for the crime of not having mixed-sex bathrooms for children.
And all the entertainment companies -- who don't provide you with entertainment at all, but rather supply you with a ready excuse which makes sense to you (somehow) to explain why you are wasting your precious moments on earth staring at a lighted box full of actors.
It's time for the people to show the power they have and begin bankrupting the Quisling Corporations by boycotting them until their ears bleed.
Colin Kaepernick is the most egregious recent example. The NFL seems fine with his insulting antics, but won't allow the Dallas Cowboys to honor the fallen police officers who were murdered by a BLM terrorist just a few months ago.
And on Thursday the Seattle Seahawks announced to great fanfare and rejoicing that they too...as a team!...will conduct some form of protest: exactly what kind is unclear. Ace had some thoughts about that too.
I approve.
I approve of things which should die killing themselves.
The financial extinction of an NFL franchise will nicely set other dominoes falling as well.
Many of us are internet firebrands; railing against the ills of progressivism and swearing to stamp it out in our back yards. And many of us have cut the cord, although my incomplete and imprecise evaluation is that much of this was driven by financial rather than philosophical motivations.
But here is a chance to link a specific act on on the part of our corporate overlords with a specific act of rebellion.
Don't watch the NFL. If you can handle one week....do it. If you can handle an entire season without your hypermasculinized (or homoerotic...you make the call) weekly video games....even better.
But....there won't be any NFL Football threads around here, nor will there be any encouragement to watch. There will however be copious quantities of college football chatter, complete with undergraduate elbows, like these:
TCU Cheerleader Brittany Gibson

posted by Open Blogger at
01:00 PM
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