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September 06, 2016
Jullian Assange: Hillary Clinton Herself Classified Her Own Cables with a "(C)," Thus Proving She Lied to the FBI In Claiming She Thought (C) Just Meant It Was Part of an Alphabetical List
Let me be honest with you: I wasn't sure what Assange was saying here, that Hillary herself marked her cables with the (C) to render it (C)onfidential, or if she just sent emails with (C).
It seems to me he meant the former. I can't imagine why he would point this out if he only meant the latter (which is not newsworthy; we know she got lots of emails marked "(C)").
So, assuming he means Clinton deliberately made her communications (C)onfidential by marking them with "(C)" (which, as the Secretary of the "originating agency" in question, she has the lawful authority to do), this proves Hillary Clinton lied to the FBI and committed obstruction of justice and furthermore, the fact that she is now lying is a corrupt purposes which would satisfy Comey's made-up requirement that the negligent handling of classified information requires negligence plus some proof of bad intent later.