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Overnight Open Thread (9-06-2016) [CBD] »
September 06, 2016
Open Thread/GAINZ Thread
I didn't know whether I should post the Morning Medical Monitoring thread on Monday, as usual, or wait for today, given that Monday was a holiday.
Well I posted it yesterday. But imma gonna link it here because it's a recap of the plan I (and several others here) are following, and someone specifically asked for such a catch-up thread.
I'll also quickly point out this good video (Trigger Warning) on triggering, or Trigger Points in your muscles.
If you're doing any exercise, and you are, like me, somewhere between 28 and 30 years old, you might find your body doesn't recover as quickly as it used to, and you have a lot of soreness, etc.
Well, trigger points -- knotted muscles -- aren't just sources of pain. They're weaknesses, because muscle tissue that's already frozen in contraction mode (as knots are) can't contract further. Therefore, that muscle is essentially useless filler tissue.
But worse yet, if you have a lot of knotted, trigger point muscle in one area, it forces other muscles to take over part of the workload, and those muscles aren't designed for that, and it can throw the physical structure of your body (spine, shoulders, hips) out of correct position as muscles try to compensate for nonfunctional knotted muscle.
I kept feeling pain above my left hip, for example. Turns out, this was caused by major knots in my right hip. The pain was getting "referred" to the left hip due to a problem that actually existed on the right.
This can cascade and worsen as one area causes the next area to knot up (as it's being overloaded) and then that area affects a new area, and then suddenly your pelvis is cocked out of correct position and you have to make an emergency run to a physical therapist.
Anyway, the right way to deal with this -- assuming it's a muscle knot and not something like a torn tendon or broken bone -- is to put pressure on the knot/trigger point to drive blood flow to it and try to get the constantly-contracted tissue to stop contracting.
And do it pro-actively, "pre-hab," Sixkiller called it, before everything gets further and further out of whack.
You do that with a foam roller or lacrosse ball or softball or anything that can dig in to a point in your musculature and apply pressure, by which I mean "pan." That's what makes this simple: You know where to put the pressure because it hurts a great deal. Normally functioning muscle is not tender to the touch and will not give you pain signals if you jam a lacrosse ball into it. Knotted muscle will.
If you really want to stop pushing into the area, that's the area you should push into.
Okay, so that's a health thread update.
Here's some other Stupid Crap:
Racist Amy Schumer posted a racist tweet, then deleted it, like a huge racist.
I assume she heard the racist tweet first from Jeff Ross.
Also, an older racist tweet by Racist Lena Dunham has resurfaced, like ancient documents linking an old man to guard duty at a Holocaust train.
Awesome dude has awesome sex with awesome sex robot. I don't use the word "hero" lightly, but: Hero.
Radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudry gets five further years of living off the British taxpayer.
CNN actually admits that Barack Obama is being given deliberate slights and insults during the Asia segment of his Valedictory Tour. Europe will be no kinder.
At Drudge, everyone is talking about Hillary's Health Crisis except of course for the Palace Guard media.
Glenn Reynolds doesn't want you to forget the FBI dump -- even if the Law Enforcement Arm of the Democrat Party does hope you've forgotten it over the long weekend -- and notes that Hillary is either a lying criminal or a brain-damaged incompetent.
Well he didn't use those words but that's the gist of it.