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Tuesday Morning News Dump (9/6/16) [Mis. Hum.] »
September 05, 2016
Monday Overnight Open Thread (9/5/16) [Mis. Hum.]
It was 4:30 in the morning on Sept. 5, 1972, that 9 Israeli athletes were taken hostage after 2 of their fellow country men had been killed by Black September,a Palestinian terrorist organization. The 9 athletes and a West German policeman were later killed by the group.
A quick history lesson.
On 3 August 2016, two days prior to the start of the 2016 Summer Olympics, the International Olympic Committee officially honored the eleven Israelis killed for the first time. About damn time!
Labor Day Monday is winding down. Have you ever given thought as how Labor Day evolved? The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City.
Are you thinking about work today? Are you dreading about going to work tomorrow? Do you have fears about your job? Meet a woman with an unusual job and unusual fears. Batteries can be found everywhere.
Some of you work 4 day work weeks. Are they a bad thing? The people that I know and have met which work them, love them. However there is a professor from OSU who says 4 day work weeks are bad for your health.
Can something you make which produces happiness to you and others, is that a job?
Advice for working with others.
However, if you work for TSA you only have one job to do.
How the 5 day work week came about.
On September 25, 1926, the Ford Motor Company instituted a five-day, 40-hour work week for its factory employees. While Ford wasn’t the first to do this, they were arguably one of the most influential.
Labor Day for 94 million unemployed Americans. The working ones aren't doing that much better.
Thursday night is the NFL Opener. We have a pretty good idea how that game is scheduled. But do you know how the other 255 games are scheduled?
They are also constrained by internal factors. A formula determines each team’s opponents every year, and a rotating schedule ensures that every team plays each of the other 31 at least once in a four-year period.
It takes 136 computers in a secure room to spit out every possible schedule — a process that sets the stage for the schedule-makers to begin the arduous task of picking the best possible one.
The reset buttond didn't work. And the glow of golfing on vacation has worn off. Someone has to act presidential.
Obligatory slam at President 4Putt.
This guy knows who he works for. And it isn't Obama. Someone ought to tell TFG to pull up his big boy pants and act like a man rather than the petulant child that he is.
Want to become more of a people person?
The Most Shocking Forms Of Psychological Torture.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by an unusual entree.
Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp LLC. Please e-mail overnight open thread tips to aoshqont at gmail or spare change here. Otherwise send tips to Ace.

posted by Open Blogger at
10:09 PM
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