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August 31, 2016
FoxNews Poll: Trump Virtually Tied with Clinton in Four-Way Race; Down Statistically Meaningless Two Points, 41-39
Hardest hit: The #NeverTrumper Pundit Class, who are depending on a blowout to maintain that their constant anti-Trump agitations cannot possibly affect the election.
Oddly enough, none of these people claim to have zero influence on the conservative population except when they agitate against Trump. I've asked several people to provide past resumes and book proposals to demonstrate they have previously claimed to have absolutely no readership or influence over other conservatives; none of them have come forward with such book proposals stating, "I vow to you that I have barely any readers at all and that my book, should you publish it, will make nary the faintest ripple in the national debate."
It's only now, during 2016 (specifically from May of 2016 to November 2016), that this obviously highly-self-regarding group of Thought Leaders is making this claim of having no importance and no following.
I imagine these claims will evaporate 'round the second week of November.
Then they'll all be back in Highly Influential Thought Leaders of the Conservative Movement mode again.
Sorry, I consider these claims to be cowardly, dishonest, and utterly chickenshit. People who have been cashing checks for decades based on their very value as magnets for conservative eyes can't suddenly claim that, at least for a six month period from May to November 2016, they have no influence whatsoever and are doing nothing at all to advance Hillary Clinton's election prospects.
It's cowardice, pure and simple. If you consider Trump so terrible that you feel obligated to support Hillary, then at least have the guts to say that, instead of putting on this childishly dishonest and evasive act of claiming that words people care enough about to pay you cash money for suddenly have no impact on anyone, anywhere, ever.
This bullshit that obviously-influential people who get paid advances to write books on conservative politics don't have influence is unworthy. If you want a defense, then say, "I'm doing what I always do: I'm arguing for what I believe to be for the best for America." (And that just happens to be arguing for the One True Conservative in the race, Hillary Clinton.)
But please, People Who Obviously Think They're Pretty Big Shakers in the Conservative Movement -- stop with the "for six months I totally have no influence but I hope to get it back November 8th" childishness.
Pro-Tip: If you've been paid to write a book; asked (without asking yourself) by a publisher to write a book; paid to give a speech; been asked to opine on a TV show; or paid to write columns on politics -- no, you don't get to claim "I have no influence whatsoever" and you should stop lying to people about it.
By the Way: I realize, myself, Trump is a poor candidate and has a lower chance to win than almost any other Republican. I have said so.
But that's not the question anymore. That was the question before he became the nominee; some of us seem to have become so mentally unmoored by his nomination that we're frozen in time in that horrible moment, unable to integrate with the rest of humanity moving forward, normally, through the time-stream.
Some of us, in short, seem to be attempting to win an election, whereas others are still fixated on winning a fight they had on Twitter.
If Trump's as awful a candidate as you maintain he is (and he might very well be!), then he hardly needs your help in losing.
And if you decide to add your help to that -- then at least own up to it. Like a man.