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August 25, 2016
Journal Edited by Huma Abedin, 1999: Jews are Jews are 'adept at working the American political system' aided by 'memory of the Holocaust'
Well, kiss my britches:
Huma Abedin, Hillary's top aide, was named as assistant editor on the masthead at the Journal of Minority Muslim Affairs for 12 years
Her mother is still editor-in-chief of the publication
In 1999 an article in it claimed that Jews are 'adept at working the American political system of presidential democracy',
Muslims are excluded because of 'handicaps, rebuffs, and dirty tricks' it said
It also claimed that many Americans have a 'distorted and negative view' of Islam, Muslims and Arabs
After 9/11 Abedin's mother wrote an editorial suggesting that the U.S. bore responsibility for the attack
Remember when this story first bubbled up about ten years ago and the Establishment types like McCain shouted it down as just so much bigotry and ignorance?
Did they know the facts, or did they assume, as usual, that their fellow conservatives were ignorant bigots just making shit up?