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August 22, 2016
Politico "Reporter" Spends An Hour Baiting Congressional Candidate, Then Cries "Gotcha!" and Plays Victim Card When Candidate Starts Yelling and Calling Him an Asshole
There are two kinds of men in the world:
Those who know that talking like a bitch will get you slapped like a bitch, as Mr. Blond observed;
and those for whom most conflict and competition occurs in the Sissy Snark Olympics we call Twitter.
There's a job where you bait a candidate with heckling and insults until he yells at you, then you post that video on the internet to embarrass him.
That job is called "Campaign Tracker employed by the opposing party."
Politico is now just a Campaign Tracker for the DCCC, and just not even interested in hiding it any longer.