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On the Run with the JV: A Continuing Series »
August 10, 2016
"Ocean's 8" to Feature... All-Female Team of Thieves and Grifters
Have they learned nothing from Ghostbusters?
No, but seriously: The thing that annoyed me about Ghostbusters wasn't that it was a female team. It was that the film repudiated the actual Ghostbusters movie and declared the 1984 film, and the 1984 characters, simply did not exist.
This movie doesn't seem to be repudiating the Ocean's 11 to 13 movies (and frankly, who would care if they did?). Assumedly it will be in the same world as the Danny Ocean movies, and they say they might have cameos from the (mostly) male crew.
One question: Why is it Ocean's anything, if the team is not being led by Danny Ocean?
I can only speculate that the leader of the crew, who I'll guess is Sandra Bullock, is an Ocean herself. His sister or something.
Either that or Julia Roberts cameos playing Danny Ocean's wife, who would presumably have the name "Ocean," and she sets the plan in motion. Though she really wasn't a thief. Well, whatever. It's not like a team of mathematicians double-check these movies for strict logical rigor.