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June 30, 2016
Republican-Controlled House Schedules Vote on Gun Control Measure For Next Week
This is why I laugh at people who say things like "I can't vote for Trump; I'm a principled conservative.".
The House will vote on a counter-terrorism package that will include a provision to prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns, Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., told Republicans on a conference call Thursday, according to a source on the call.
The House, when it returns next week from its July 4 recess, will also vote on a mental health bill , sponsored by Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Tim Murphy, Ryan told his House colleagues.
On the call, Ryan said it common sense that suspects on terror watch lists not be able to buy guns, but he wants to be sure that any provision protects due process for people who may mistakenly be added to such lists.
Now in theory, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a bill that blocks suspected terrorists from buying guns -- so long as there are strong due process safeguards, and that people have the right to challenge the finding and have a lawyer paid for by the state. (You shouldn't go bankrupt trying to get your name off a list you were added to with no due process standards, other than a bureaucrat's say-so.)
But of course the Democrats would never agree to any true safeguards -- their strategy is to always demand more than Republicans will/can give. It is a key election strategy that they not have any law the Republicans buy into. they want the election issue. They don't give a shit if terrorists have guns or not. They want to win the House, and they'll murder American citizens with their own hands for a better chance at that.
They really just want something else to point at when Republicans bring up their miserable record on combating terrorism. Oh, I mean combating violent extremism and/or man-made disasters.
And meanwhile, the Republicans will keep chasing the Democrats -- watering down procedural protections until they vanish altogether.
The Democrats either want no law or at all, or a complete surrender by the Republicans which will demoralize GOP voters while showing Democrat voters that Democrats can show they're "tough" enough to burn the Constitution in their quest for power.
I just can't see the Republicans doing anything here but embarrassing themselves and further alienating their base. They're patsies, and always will be.