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June 22, 2016
Overnight Open Thread (6-22-2016) - Behold teh Stoopid Edition
Quote of the Day
"It's getting harder for business people like me to be successful, but if they [the victims] follow the rules it would be very hard for me to be successful. That's one of the surprises. My friends and I thought we would not be successful for so long, especially with how Craigslist is different now. But there is always someone looking to sell something who doesn't know the game."
-- from an interview with a professional Craigslist scammer
The Competition to Say The Stupidest Possible Thing Has Been Unusually Fierce Today

Her follow-ups are priceless as well.
And then you had this 'expert':

Honorable Mention: Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) - The Constitution Was Designed to Increase Government Power
On Another Day This Would Have Been a Contender: Loretta Lynch: Our Most Effective Response to Terror is Compassion and Love
Also Oops: Loretta Lynch: We Have No Idea Where Omar Mateen's Wife Is
Daniel Hannan: Why You Should Fire Me From My Phoney Baloney EU Job
Now this is how you do rhetoric. Churchill would approve.
Why Terrorists Target Gun-Free Zones
Because they're terrorists - not idiots.
Just a couple of months ago, a young ISIS sympathizer planned a shooting at one of the largest churches in Detroit. An FBI wire recorded him explaining why he had picked the church as a target: "It's easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news."
Why The Democrats Are Pushing Gun Control Even Though They Know It's Pointless and Likely a Political Loser
Damage control. Also squirrel!
The possibility that terrorist attacks might shift the electoral terrain in Donald Trump's favor has been one of Democrats' biggest worries since he emerged as the presumptive nominee. ...More broadly, both experimental and real-world studies have tended to show that in the US and abroad, the major party with a more hawkish reputation usually benefits when international terror becomes a major concern.
...In that context, focusing the political argument on gun regulation rather than Omar Mateen's admiration for ISIS or questions around Muslim immigration to the United States is a strategic win. Democrats may not win many votes with thin gruel, poll-tested gun control proposals, but they aren't going to lose any.
The Pentagon Doesn't Want to Talk About US Soldiers Injured or Killed in Iraq or Syria Anymore
None of your business, citizen. Your weight and blood pressure however are state business. This reeks of the Obama regime.
Senate Bill to Allow Warrant-less Snooping on Browser History By FBI Narrowly Fails
Every guy breaths a silent sigh of relief.
How Important Are Book Superstores Anyway?
Book superstores such as Barnes & Noble cause risk-averse publishers to double down on celebrity authors and surefire hits.
In a world without Barnes & Noble, risk-averse publishers will double down on celebrity authors and surefire hits.
Prediction: Risk-averse publishers will double down on celebrity authors and surefire hits.
They Killed Juma the Jaguar!!!!
Shooting the official mascot of the 2016 Rio Olympics is just ominous sign #63 for those counting. Meanwhile there are reports that the Olympic Committee is quietly scouting previous Olympic sites as an alternate location in case Rio completely implodes. But then this is largely their own damn fault:
The Olympic Committee seems to be very interested in "diversity" these days and is pushing the idea of holding the games in a variety of places which are more than a little dodgy in terms of their humanitarian record or simply unable to pull of something of this magnitude. That wins them plenty of plaudits from human rights workers around the globe, but it doesn't do much for the reputation of the games themselves if people are refusing to attend, dropping dead from disease or showing up to stadiums with no seats or lights in them.

Banning Uber and Lyft in Austin Has Led to an Explosion of "Black Market Ride Sharing"
Familiar to the former citizens of the Soviet Union and East Germany. Meanwhile Austin is seizing the cars of those caught ride-sharing and also DUIs are up 7.5%.
EU Moves to Tax Robots as "Electronic Persons"
Taxation with representation is life in the EU.
Applied Hood Physics: The Distance Function
Whoever told ya there'd be no math here done lied to you motherf*cker!
McDonald's Japan is Giving Away a Gold Chicken Nugget

The Group knows your sins but doesn't care.
Tonight's post brought to you by the underground life:

Notice: Posted by people with permissions of someone with authority. That's all you need to know.

posted by Maetenloch at
11:36 PM
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