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Overnight Open Thread (6-20-2016) - [Omitted] the [Omitted] Edition »
June 20, 2016
Eye Update
Well, apparently I'm healing snowly, but I am healing. When they do PRK, they scrape away your epithelial layer of your lens. Then they laze your cornea. The epithelial has to yeal itself closed, and it does so like a hurricane going backwards, healing from the outside in.
I think that's why my vision gets briefly sharp when I put in artificial tears -- the liquid fills in the missing part of my epithelial, and for one or two eyeblinks, I have 20/25 vision.
I'm mostly closed but not completely.
I had a weekend of decent vision -- not good, but okay -- and today I've gone backwards into poor vision. But I'm told that kind of fluctuation is normal, too.
Still not there yet, and it's still almost impossible to read, but I'm told this is just slower-than-normal and that one of these days I'm going to have a sudden leap in clarity.
One of these days.
Meanwhile -- is the left creating a Climate of Hate that impelled this fellow traveller to come to Las Vegas in order to assassinate Donald Trump?
Funny how only political speech the left doesn't like can be charged with creating these so-called Climates of Hate.