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Early Morning Thread 6-16-16. (krakatoa) »
June 15, 2016
Overnight Open Thread (6-15-2016)
Quote of the Day I - Wisdom of the Whoopi Edition
"It's about a lot of different things. It's about an amendment in the Constitution that people misread. The Constitution doesn't say you can carry hundreds of guns. It says you can protect your home. It says you can protect yourself. It doesn't say you can get 55 guns."
-- Whoopi Goldberg explaining the Second Amendment
Actually contra Whoopi it says that the government cannot interfere with your existing right to own and use guns - including as many as you want.
Quote of the Day II
Even when liberals call for an "honest conversation" about this, that, or the other thing, what they really mean is they want everyone who disagrees with the prevailing progressive view to fall in line. Almost invariably, when I hear calls for "frank talk," "honest dialogue," or a new "national conversation," I immediately translate it as, "Let the next chapter of indoctrination begin." It's a way of luring dissenters from political correctness out into the open so they can be smashed over the head with a rock.
Remember, behind every obvious double standard is a hidden single standard. For instance, earlier this year, The New Yorker's Jane Mayer came out with a book attacking libertarian philanthropists Charles and David Koch called Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. When asked by NPR's Steve Inskeep what the nefarious supervillains of her screed were really up to, she ominously explained, "What they're aiming at is changing the conversation in the country."
Well, so are left-wing billionaire George Soros and his minions. So is Mayer herself. So are all of these campus fraudsters and activists. And so is Katie Couric. But when someone on the other side of the ideological chasm questions the official narrative, they must be demonized or otherwise silenced. Why? Because the last thing progressives want is to start an honest conversation. They want to have their conversations - and only their conversations.
-- Jonah Goldberg
Related: Obama Calls for National Conversation on Gun Control
University Police Cancel Milo Yiannopoulos' Orlando Speech on Muslims and Gays
Bill O'Reilly Calls For More Gun Control
Including having all purchases of AR-15s be reported to the FBI. And he also 'explains' the Second Amendment. Just looking out for the folks here.
"There is too much gun crime in the USA, and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get," he said. "That's the fact. So let's deal with it. We all have the right to bear arms, but we don't have the right to buy and maintain mortars. Even if you feel threatened by gangsters or a New World Order. No bazookas, no Sherman tanks, no hand grenades."
"That's because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals," he continued. "They have that right in the name of public safety. Therefore, Congress should debate what kind of weapons should be available for public sale. And the states, the individual states, should decide what kind of carry laws are good for their own people."
O'Reilly is apparently unaware that it's perfectly legal to buy tanks and mortars - in fact you can even buy a mortar online without any background checks whatsoever as long as you've got the $$$$.
The NYT Calls For a Second Amendment Double Secret Probation List and a Certain Orange-Haired Presidential Candidate Agrees With Them
Mateen's Father: The Nightclub's Sort of at Fault Here Too, You Know
You know for not keeping his murderous gay son out.
The TSA "Addresses" a "Problem"
Which is quite different from solving a problem. The TSA has been doing airport security for 14 years now - so why are they actually getting less efficient at it?
Meanwhile Delta Actually Comes Up With a Real Way to Improve Security Checkpoints
Something TSA could have done a decade ago if they wanted to.
Attention Men: Michelle Obama Is Disappointed in Your Current Performance
Your grade: Needs Improvement.
Sorry, There's Nothing Magical About Breakfast
The bottom line is that the evidence for the importance of breakfast is something of a mess. If you're hungry, eat it. But don't feel bad if you'd rather skip it, and don't listen to those who lecture you. Breakfast has no mystical powers.
I blame the breakfast food-industrial complex.
Outback Takes The Bloomin' Onion to the Next Level
The new 'loaded' bloomin' onion is now stuffed with cheese fries, bacon, sour cream for a whopping 2360 calories of deliciousness followed by regret and self-loathing.
Jose Canseco to Fight Lindsey Lohan's Dad
Feldman says the fight won't be a cakewalk for Canseco ... Lohan is 3-0 in celeb boxing fights, beating up guys like reality star Jonny Fairplay.
Canseco is 5-1 in the celeb boxing world ... with victories over Danny Bonaduce and 'Real Housewives' alum Tareq Salahi.
You Can Now Get an Online Loan in China Using Your Nude Pictures and a List of Family Members' and Friends' Contact Info as Collateral
Man Donates His Sperm To Women In New York City Public Bathrooms
So that's what they're calling it these days.
The Group knows your sins but doesn't care.
Tonight's post brought to you by evolution of the spaceship cockpit:
Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp LLC. Tonight's secret message: ENITLAVOEROMKNIRD. That is all.
posted by Maetenloch at
11:28 PM
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