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June 12, 2016
Overnight Open Thread (6-12-2016)
Obama Allows That ISIS-Allied, Allah Akbar-Shouting Mass Shooter Might be a Terrorist, Immediately Blames America and Guns
Of course. Because it's his nature explained the ideological asshole.
The Muslim Shield and Willful Blindness
Gilroy, a former Fort Pierce police officer, said Mateen frequently made homophobic and racial comments. Gilroy said he complained to his employer several times but it did nothing because he was Muslim. Gilroy quit after he said Mateen began stalking him via multiple text messages - 20 or 30 a day. He also sent Gilroy 13 to 15 phone messages a day, he said.
"I quit because everything he said was toxic," Gilroy said Sunday, "and the company wouldn't do anything. This guy was unhinged and unstable. He talked of killing people." Gilroy said this shooting didn't come as a surprise to him.
Related: German High School Girls Cover Up Their Own Sexual Assault by Older Refugee Men Out of Political Correctness
DHS Official Who Protected Terrorist Suspect Won't be Punished, Gets a Promotion Instead
Just as insane and infuriating as it sounds. Irene Martin went out of her way to prevent FBI agents from arresting Enrique Marquez, who supplied the guns to Farook and Malik, during an unrelated immigration interview the day after the San Bernadino shootings.
Unfunded Pension Debt Now Exceeds $40,000 Per American Household
I hope you have enough savings to keep all those state, city and federal retirees in the lifestyle they're accustomed to.
Gawker Declares Bankruptcy, Puts Assets Up For Sale
Gawker made the world a worse place so good riddance.
Overwrought WIRED: Gawker's Bankruptcy Is How a Free Press Dies, One VC at a Time
How Democrats Win Debates By Corrupting The English Language
'Loopholes', 'stealing' and 'bans'.
Charles C.W. Cooke: "Forget Manipulative Editing - Katie Couric's Team Likely Violated Federal Law"
The problem for Soechtig - and for her broader argument - is that these transactions weren't in fact legal. Not even close. Under existing federal law, one may obtain firearms outside of one's state of residence only from a federally licensed firearms dealer. Moreover, at least until Mance v. Lynch is resolved, one may legally obtain a handgun only in one's own state of residence. If, as Soechtig claims, a Colorado resident purchased three handguns and a rifle from a private seller in another state, he broke federal law at least four times.
Meanwhile EPIX seems to have memory-holed Couric's documentary.
Why Are There Still Ashtrays on Planes?
How to Mine Platinum From the Side of the Road
Quite educational about chemistry and metal extraction - and yes they did succeed in collecting about $200 worth of platinum. Probably can't scale though.
Fred Blassie's Greatest Work
When Did 'Dumpster Fire' Become a Thing?
Mel Gibson Working On A Sequel To 'The Passion Of The Christ'
Horny Arizona Man Arrested For Attacking Wife
With a knife.

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1 [638 comments] 'sven10077' [89.60 posts/day, cry for help achievement unlocked]
2 [553 comments] 'Nevergiveup'
3 [517 comments] 'Jane D'oh'
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5 [439 comments] 'Mr. Peebles'
6 [430 comments] 'ThunderB'
7 [413 comments] 'Ricardo Kill'
8 [407 comments] 'Bruce With a Wang!'
9 [398 comments] 'iforgot'
10 [376 comments] 'Christopher Taylor'
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18 [302 comments] 'ace'
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1 [71 names] 'TeamRawDog' [9.97 unique names/day]
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4 [60 names] 'SCOAMF'
5 [46 names] 'garrett'
6 [38 names] 'Scalia's Ghost'
7 [36 names] 'Mike Hammer, etc., etc.'
8 [35 names] 'Bertram Cabot Jr.'
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10 [31 names] 'Cicero (@cicero)'
The group. Banned on 12 universities.
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posted by Maetenloch at
11:23 PM
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