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June 15, 2016
The New Government Recomendations On Salt Consumption Are Dangerous And, Probably, Impossible To Follow [CBD]
While you should probably take this article, Government's war on salt is malpractice, posted by The Salt Institute, with a...um...grain of salt, the facts are unassailable.
The FDA’s Dietary Guidelines Committee has repeatedly ignored a loud chorus of researchers who advise that population-wide sodium reduction is unnecessary and/or potentially harmful. Three Cochrane Collaboration reviews conclude that there is insufficient evidence to warrant population-wide salt reduction. The FDA is also completely ignoring their own CDC-sponsored 2013 Institute of Medicine report that specifically did not support sodium reduction.
Contrary to the government’s recommendations, evidence indicates people on low sodium diets place themselves at risk. The government disregarded peer-reviewed research showing that low-salt diets can lead to insulin resistance, congestive heart failure, cardiovascular events, iodine deficiency, loss of cognition, low birth weights, and higher rates of death. Studies show dangerous side effects from lowering sodium below 3,000 mg/day.
But why should we be surprised? Our government's pseudo-scientific departments have been manipulating data for years. Just consider the travesty that is the government-recommended diet of high carbohydrates and low fat, and you will see evidence of either blind, unforgiving stupidity, a political agenda that is killing Americans or, probably, a combination of both.
This is politicization of science the likes of which have not been seen since Trofim Lysenko.
And there is no rational interpretation other than the exercise of power over a cowed populace. Of what possible benefit is a reduction in dietary salt to those in government? They have demonstrated again and again that their interests are not the health of Americans, and I cannot imagine that punishing the salt industry is very high on their to-do list for the 21st century, so what else can it be other than the pleasure that authoritarians take in telling people what to do?

posted by Open Blogger at
12:00 PM
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