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June 14, 2016
The 9th Circuit's Inexplicable Concealed Carry Decision Gets Some Push-back [CBD]
[Abbott made this comment a few days ago, before the terrorist attack in Orlando highlighted once again that an armed populace is far preferable to the alternative.]
Ignoring my man-crush on Greg Abbott, he makes a few important points with just a few words. Obviously the pride in Texas and its singular place in history is clear, but also the clear subtext that channels apocryphal Andrew Jackson. "The court has made its decision...now let it enforce it."
Pro Tip for you Texans: Keep Abbott.
As for the elitist, ahistorical and flat out incorrect ruling?
Based on the overwhelming consensus of historical sources, we conclude that the protection of the Second Amendment -- whatever the scope of that protection may be -- simply does not extend to the carrying of concealed firearms in public by members of the general public.
Interesting that the court clearly claims understanding of the scope of the 2nd Amendment, then claims insufficient understanding of it because it would be politically disastrous for them to state what they so desperately want to claim, that the right to keep and bear arms is anachronistic in modern society and no longer applies to Americans.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:20 PM
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