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June 09, 2016
Mid-Morning Open Thread [CBD]
Swans Reflecting Elephants
Salvador Dali
The Surrealists are an odd bunch. Clearly some of them were skilled technicians, and Dali is one of the best (in my amateur opinion). And their work is often fascinating to look at, but like a Chinese banquet, 30 minutes later you hunger for something substantial.
Skilled or not, Dali wasn't much of a man. He dabbled in communist politics, and ran away from the fight in the Spanish Civil War and World War II. I will leave it to George Orwell to describe him:
One ought to be able to hold in one's head simultaneously the two facts that Dali is a good draughtsman and a disgusting human being.
My apologies for expressing an opinion that may be at odds with what you were told by your 20th Century Art (Lesbian Influences in Andalusian Esthetics) instructor. If you need a safe space, please click on this link.
posted by Open Blogger at
10:00 AM
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