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June 01, 2016
Majority of Fortune 500 CEOs Prefer Clinton over Trump
I've long pointed to the corporate class as a key weakness in the GOP. They have outsized influence due to their money. They're also extremely liberal, living in a very secular, urban, liberal-moderated culture and generally having liberal wives and even more liberal side-pieces.
Yet they get to bully the GOP around and demand we import more and more new Democrat voters every year, and sell out every single GOP agenda item for the Holy Grails of lower corporate tax rates and the Ex-Im Bank.
Fifty-eight percent of the CEOs said they would support Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, while 42 percent would support Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, according to a survey conducted last month by Fortune and released on Wednesday.
"Big company CEOs tend to lean heavily Republican," the survey said.
I'm in a populist sort of mood and wouldn't mind this class getting exactly what they're voting for -- and then some.
Let's stop protecting them from the confiscatory personal tax rates they're voting for when they donate to Democrats. If they're fine with such rates, why shouldn't we be?