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April 28, 2016
Is Millennials' Dislike of Capitalism Rooted in the Same Psychological Weakness That Causes Them to Want #SafeSpaces?
I think David French is right -- we can see this broadly as a soft generation with no toughness or grit which is strongly adverse to any kind of challenge or competition.
They're very big on Reward, not so much on Risk.
We need a #SafeSpace in the economy.
[T]here is still startlingly broad opposition to capitalism, and I can't help but wonder if part of it springs from the same well-spring of risk aversion that gives us safe spaces, micro-aggressions, and trigger-warnings.
Actual free markets are risky. Companies can fail. Entire industries can vanish. Entrepreneurial dreams are crushed every single day. Free markets don't care for your feelings, your ethnicity, or your gender identity.
Is it any surprise that when millions of people demonstrate an extraordinarily low tolerance for emotional risk that they’d be hostile to an economic system that can so callously disregard their wants and needs?
When a generation of weak, soft imbeciles decides it is too #EmotionallyUnsafe to ever lose in a footrace, we see the end of Track and Field as a sport.
And when these same coddled weaklings and runts decide they can't stand to lose in the competition for innovation and hard work, we'll see the end of all competition in innovation a d hard work.
Economic Participation Trophies for Everybody!