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April 29, 2016
Education or Indoctrination? [Mis. Hum]
I am not a teacher. Ooops, my bad, I mean educator. My direct personal experience with secondary education recently has been limited. I did attend the graduation ceremony of my two youngest daughters in May of 2015. They graduated from a University of Wisconsin system school. The only thing I remember from that ceremony is that they received diplomas and portions of the address given by the chancellor.
The address went something like this, "These students have faced adversity as our school has had significant budget cuts." Now, he did not come out and say Scott Walker was to blame. You could read that between the lines. Mrs. MH elbowed me in the ribs when I let out an audible groan. So as the one year anniversary of this address approaches I've been thinking about his speech and other exemplary actions of colleges and universities in the news. Basically, the thoughts have been, WTF is wrong with our education system?
Hillary Clinton once famously said it takes a village to raise a child. Does the village teach manners and courtesy? It's quite obvious the the village, her parents and schooling from K-12 failed. Budget cuts in MA or any other state have nothing to do with this behavior. The President once chimed in about the private sector not building their business. OK, with that philosophy and Hillary's village beliefs, then the Public Education System is 100% responsible for this creature. Not too mention her parents who obviously taught her eating was fine but manners/courtesy were no-nos.
Now you might say, give her a break, she's an immature adult who needs further guidance. (OK play along here) This poor misguided soul will encounter educators who will teach her the value of open thought, differing ideas and free expression/discussion of topics. Not only will she be exposed to critical and independent thinking she will be exposed to how to play well with others. And finally she and other students will learn the lesson of accepting the truth, no matter if it is different than their original belief yes immature adult, a secondary education will give you all of these life lessons. You will graduate and be a well rounded person. (In her case in more ways than one)
The left preaches diversity. They shout it from the roof tops. But, it appears the only diversity they want is color, unless you are white gender, gender identity and sexual preference. Diversity of thought and political beliefs are not welcomed. When do they add Re-education to their name? For example, The Re-education University of fill-in-the-blank-state.
These kids don't come to a college or a university blank slates. The K-12 public school systems are failing miserably as well. Don't believe me if this comes out of a teacher who represents teachers what are we to expect in the classroom? In 2011 thousands of protesters marched on Madison, WI in response to Scott Walker's Act 10 legislation. This legislation addressed public unions, school teachers hardest hit. Teachers taught their students valuable lessons by "striking" although school strikes in WI are illegal. We won't get into the fake "Sick Excuse Notes" written by UW Doctors for the striking teachers.
So the public school system is corrupted, what do we do? There are no simple answers. Pushing for school vouchers is one step. Pushing for charter schools free of the teacher union's grip is another. Better vetting of school board candidates at local election time. Supporting governors such as Scott Walker who reigned in the WI teachers union. These are all steps in the right direction. These institutions didn't change for the worse overnight and will not change for the better overnight either. It will require work, diligence and exposure of their corrupt ways and means.

posted by Open Blogger at
03:47 PM
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