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April 26, 2016
Skullduggery: Did Hillary Clinton Supporters Get Bernie Sanders Supporters' FaceBook Pages Taken Down by Porn-Bombing Them?
I'm not sure to be outraged or just shrug this off as the cyber world's equivalent of pulling down an opponent's yard-signs.
But the porn angle does make this seem a bit more seemly than routine vandalism.
As does the resort to the Crybully Culture tactics -- create a hoax, then whine to the authorities that you #SafeSpace is being #ButtHurt.
This site suggests, without proving, that this might have been the work of internet trolls hired by one of David Brock's endless slimey tentacles.
I don't know about that -- people look for some Prime Mover behind these things but the fact is that political passions are high enough, and people like being vandals and creeps enough, that most of this sort of stuff is initiated by Self-Radicalized Leftist Lone Wolves.
Who, like other Self-Radicalized Lone Wolves, act in concert and imitate each other to achieve the same ends.