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April 25, 2016
Anti-Drone Technology And Tactics, Or Balancing And Transitioning The Army: You Pick (CBD)
Michael Rubin asks in a recent article in Commentary if we are Prepared for Iran UAV Warfare? What do you think, based on the defense department's recent pronouncements on their priorities, which include these from the Secretary of the Army's 2015 list:
Prevent Sexual Assault
Balance and Transition the Army
Champion Soldiers, Civilians and Families
Continue to bolster Army activities in the Asia-Pacific region
Ensure personal accountability on and off the battlefield
Tell the Army Story
Implement Army Total Force policy
Prudently manage reset, modernization, research and development
Strengthen the defense of Army networks and build the Army cyber force
Strengthen installations through effective energy solutions
Maybe I am missing something, but I don't see anything about countering Iranian expansion and modernizing our weapons systems to combat new threats. The reality is that we are unprepared for an expansionist and aggressive Iran. They just humiliated the United States Navy, and our feckless Secretary of State praised the Iranian response.
If the IRGC is flying drones over Syria, then they can not only strike at U.S. regional allies but also export the technology further. It would be foolish to think that established defenses are enough[,] for the Iranian goal likely wouldn’t be to decimate a target on the ground. Rather, should they fly a single drone into the landing path of a plane heading to Tel Aviv, Amman, or Jeddah, then risk-averse airlines and insurance companies would curtail service, thus providing an economic victory.
Francis Fukuyama was wrong when he proclaimed "The End of History" when the Cold War ended. Western Liberal Democracy is far from dominating the world. In fact it is on the run, and Iranian drones will be doing some of the chasing if we don't pull out of the tailspin that our military is in and start dealing realistically with the threats ahead of us.
It is one thing to humor the SJWs on campuses -- yes they do tremendous damage -- but military threats are much more pressing, and the results of ignoring them or even worse, allowing SJWs to decide military policy can and will be catastrophic.

posted by Open Blogger at
12:00 PM
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