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April 23, 2016
The Energy And Emotion That A Trump Candidacy May Provoke (CBD)
In a Puget Sound community, not far from deep blue Seattle, a man vandalized the car of a Trump supporter, which isn't particularly surprising. But the language the vandal uses to explain away his crime elucidates what many who do not support Trump expect to occur in the general election, if he gets the nod at the Republican National Convention.
Police say Siva told them he attacked the vehicle because of the Trump sticker on the rear bumper. Siva allegedly told police he considered the sticker a "hate symbol" and vandalizing the car "improved the community."
The police report detailed a written statement allegedly written by Siva. It contained this statement: "I do not expect the law to recognize damage to tools of hate or racism, such things need to be destroyed so good people may remain and become free."
This is classic Leftist speech that they use to justify anti-freedom behavior. But it also shows the depth of emotion and moonbattery that Trump will generate among the Left.
The Democratic party is exhausted after eight years of Obama. They are in disarray...not as bad as the Republican party...but disarray nonetheless. There was, and may still be an opportunity to take the presidency, but energizing the Left with a Trump candidacy may not be the way to do that.
Arguably, the way Cruz has been presented by the MFM has framed him as a fundamentalist Christian preacher, which will also whip the the Left into a frenzy.
The question before us now is: who is the more benign candidate -- one who will draw Republicans and conservatives while keeping the energy level on the left to a minimum?

posted by Open Blogger at
10:50 AM
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