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April 18, 2016
Camille Paglia Doesn't Seem to Like Cankles ("Soulless...Incompetent") or Lena Dunham ("A Big Pile Of Pudding"). Is She A Closet Moron? (CBD)
Say what you will about Camille Paglia, she has never been shy with her opinions. The Federalist has a short description of a video interview that Paglia did recently with Spiked-Online (who?), in which Paglia voices her well though-out opinion that Hillary is soulless, and an incompetent.
"People don't lay a glove on her," she said. "The woman has never succeeded in any job, she's created chaos after chaos, including now all of North Africa spilling its refugees into Europe, and it's due to Hillary for taking out Gaddafi and not thinking about what would happen afterward."
"I think she's absolutely soulless," she said. "I think she's incompetent."
Watch the interview at Spike-Online here....but enjoy the careful evisceration of a feminist pop icon in just a few words.
"Lena Dunham to me is the symbol of neuroticism which masquerades as feminism," she said. "I mean, Lena Dunham has a lot of problems that have to do with body image that have nothing whatever to do with wider society but have to do with the cast of her own family life and her own family background."
I like Paglia, not for her politics, which are leftist, but for her honesty and integrity. And besides, she got one of her first faculty appointments based on a recommendation from Harold Bloom.

posted by Open Blogger at
08:10 PM
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