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March 22, 2016
Comments Will Be Closed for the Rest of the Day
If I feel like posting at all.
Good day.
We're going to go through the latest convulsion of toxic assholes and just start banning.
That's right -- just like Charles Johnson.
And when the assholes evade the bans, we'll just shut down comments.
The Internet Outrage Brigades -- the Social Justice Warriors of the thuggish right -- are no longer welcome here. Period.
No, someone disagreeing with you does not transform you into a Trumpian Uberman who is freed from society's most basic rules.
Do any of you Screamers ever paused to wonder why you get banned from one site after another? Do you think they're all in cahoots? Do you think they just can't handle Your Truth?
Or do you think it has something more to do with you baby-like tantrums and near-dementia-level lack of anything like emotional restraint?
And by the way: I ask once again -- Who the fuck gives a shit that you are angry?
How many times can I sit here and listen to alleged "men" repeatedly give me emo-updates on their current emotional status?
We -- or I mean, some of you; as I am plainly no longer playing for whatever team some of you are -- have gone from the party that claims "Liberals are all about feeeeelings" to "We're nothing but feelings now, and we're hootin' proud of that!"
I don't care about your goddamned feelings. I'm embarrassed enough knowing you care so goddamned much about them.
It turns out the "establishment value" that some wanted the most to be freed of was the value of basic emotional restraint. Now I guess the Trumpian Ideal is to be a seething, shrieking hyperemotional ninny all fucking day long.
I'm going to put up a bunch of extra-spicy anti-Trump stuff today to make it clear that this is either going to go by my basic rules of civility in comments, and people respecting a ban when it's issued, or this site is just going to be an Anti-Trump bulletin board.