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March 12, 2016
Ace of Spades Pet Thread [Misanthropic Humanitarian]
Come, Sit, Stay, Good Moron
Before the Moron pets make their internet debut, how about some pet news and tidbits?
Meet the Pet Morons
This is Moose. She's currently in the custody of Jewells45. Moose supposedly belongs to Jewells45's daughter who is away at school.

Shibumi submitted this photo of her lurker cat, Penny. She looks like a lurker or a trouble maker or both.
Buster is owned by caligirl, or is it the other way around? Serious looking pooch.

Meet a Westminster contestant from 2012 Aero owned by Dissonant Cognizance. Beautiful Akita. Thanks for sharing.

This is Brady enjoying his ride. We have a lurker named vitigagtor who likes to take Brady for rides.

Moron Eric wanted us to see his St. Bernard, Harley. Where is the little barrel of valu-rite that should be on his collar?
Kindlot sent this photo into the thread. Once again it appears that another moron cat has a rough life.

A lurker by the name of MallardDuckLintbrush wanted us to know about this goofy Australian Brindle Hound named Dingo.
rickinstl has a pooch named Seamus. What an abused pet, lying on a bed in the sun. The word is out on you, meanie!

Jim Sunk New Dawn Galveston, TX cat named Harley. Harley is no longer with us. Per Jim Harley was the best cat ever. Thanks for sharing Jim.
Here is Elizabeth Taylor, Kitty Kat, aka Lizzy. This is only one of Niedemeyer's Dead Horse cat collection. We were expecting a horse photo to be honest.

A lurker by the name of Craig passed this photo along to us. His job took him to a home where he found this Husky. We don't know what his name is, but we are sure it isn't Houdini.
Thank you for stopping by. Now if it seems that dogs ruled today, you could be right. The dog owners have been submitting more photos than the cat owners. I'm sure that will change when they send their photos to petmorons at g mail dot com.
petmorons at g mail dot com
We need your Nic, pet's name and any other information you wish to share.

posted by Open Blogger at
02:30 PM
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