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February 13, 2016
How to Argue with People Who Reject The Right To Keep And Bear Arms [CBD]
I saw this last month over at The Lid, and a recent discussion with someone who was woefully ignorant of...oh....pretty much everything reminded me of the article. The title says it all:
Three Basic Facts About The Right To Keep And Bear Arms
There are other points to be made, and most of them have been made forcefully and eloquently (and profanely) on these pages. But this is a good beginning.
The U.S. Constitution doesn't grant or create legal rights. It recognizes and protects rights that already inherently exist -- what the Framers called, "inalienable." As such, inalienable rights cannot be created, altered, limited, or removed by man-made laws or governments.
posted by Open Blogger at
10:45 AM
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