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February 08, 2016
Scalding Hot Chick From Blurred Lines Video Feels the Bern
Put on CSPAN Now
So, to spare you looking the uncensored video up, here it is.
She expanded her range in Gone Girl, where she played a super-hot chick.
She also appears as a sought-after model, where she models her hot breasts.
So she's on Team Bernie:
She introduced him at a New Hampshire event. She said:
So I am a young woman and um, well, just to make one thing clear: I'm here because I support Bernie Sanders... I'm not here for the boys.
But yeah, I want a female president so that I can say to my daughter one day, you too can become president of the United States. I believe in that symbolic importance.
But I have seen symbolism in election, symbolism that FAILS the people that so desperately need the ACTION to make change. I want my first female president to be more than a symbol, I want her to have politics that can revolutionize.
She continues saying things like this isn't about gender and stuff.
So she's not just hot, she's the hottest kind of woman of all -- a self-hating woman, who will probably let you do the dirty stuff too.
Update: Put on CSPAN now if you want to see Bernie Sanders' Legion of Hippies swaying drunkenly to bad hippie music.
My God, that band was terrible. It was like Blues Traveler got into Debbie Wasserman-Schultz' medicine cabinet.