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February 05, 2016
Hillary Becomes More Jebbish By the Day
The below video simply isn't Hillary. This is Hillary trying to be something -- spontaneous, fun, carefree, youthful -- that she isn't.
It's desperation and it reads precisely that way. People always look pretty silly when they're trying to be something they're not.
Fantastic Jonathan V. Last Piece on Why Hillary Is Such a Terrible, Terrible Candidate. Great stuff here.
In the stump speeches that follow, Clinton is every bit as terrible as she was on caucus night in Iowa. Her delivery alternates between quiet grimace and angry shout. And then there are her inflections and cadences.
The actor Christopher Walken famously takes scripts and removes all the punctuation from his lines so that he can come at the dialogue in fresh, unexpected ways. Clinton seems to have done something similar. Talking about Republicans, for instance, she says, "They will RIP? away the progress we have made, SET? us back, and if they HAVE? their way, they will RETURN? to trickle-down economics, which will MAKE? it even HARDER? [pause] to FIX? the problems that we still have to deal with from the Great Recession." Walken's strange line readings make his performances oddly memorable; Clinton's make hers vaguely unsettling.
That's not the part I want to quote. The part I want to quote follows that, but I don't want to steal his best joke, so I'm only stealing his second-best joke. The best joke is back at the link, following that quote.
I did think maybe I would steal them both, but I thought that would be a dick move.