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February 02, 2016
Give 'Em a Few More Days, And Everyone Will "Know" That Rubio Won Iowa
Yes, Rubio's fans, and the permanent GOP establishment (but I repeat myself), are just sort of ignoring the winner, Ted Cruz, and the second place finisher, Trump, and declaring Rubio won.
They'll keep on saying it. They always throw some caveat around Cruz's win, which was apparently tainted by the fact that he worked really hard at it, and out-organized everyone else.
So they just sort of blow that off. Rubio didn't even try, and he got third. Marcomentum!
Meanwhile, this happened during Hillary's speech:
The last report is that the Democratic Party is asking 90 Iowa precincts to "recreate" their polling sites because they were not properly staffed. I don't know what that means, either. I don't know if they mean they want people to come in and re-caucus, or just turn over their records.
But 90 precincts, I guess, could change the vote, which currently stands at Hillary 49.8%, Sanders 49.6%.
She won one delegate by a coin flip.
Zincfinger says she won six delegates by coin-toss:
According to Barone, HRC won 6 delegates by coin-flip, going 6/6 on six separate coin-tosses. A 1/64 probability occurrence. Amazing!
I'm not saying she's cheating but also I'm saying that.