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January 11, 2016
GOP Chairman Reince Priebus Won't Say If Ted Cruz Is Eligible To Be President
I had this as a tag on in my previous post but it deserves attention.
Priebus did an interview with Time and the subject of Ted Cruz's eligibility came up. Priebus' answer was...illuminating.
A topic in the news today: Ted Cruz was born in Canada. Is he constitutionally eligible to be President?
Listen, I don’t get involved. I’m not going to get in the middle of all these candidate issues. It’s a bad place for me to be. I’ll let all these folks argue about this stuff, and I’m going to stay out of it.
It's all about the TEAM!
Of course good ole' Reince was quick to defend Obama from unfounded accusations of ineligibility.
Hmm, maybe I need a program. It's hard to tell which players are on which team sometimes.
And yes, Cruz is eligible.
Imagine if an establishment favorite like say, Marco Rubio, were being challenged. And that establishment favorite was a clear top tier contender. Do you think Mr. Priebus would still be so shy about saying anything? Of course not. Soft birtherism is for the icky conservatives.
Cruz isn't a team player so this is the reward he gets for sticking it to the establishment. Just remember how he was treated should Rubio or some other establishment friendly candidate get the nomination. Team GOP will demand your loyalty but they sure as hell won't return it.
Oh and speaking of GOP golden boys...

posted by DrewM. at
12:05 PM
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