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December 30, 2015
Kat Timpf: Hillary Acted as a Handmaiden to Bill Clinton's Spree of Sexual Assaults. On What Planet is She a "Feminist"?
Hillary Clinton was to Bill Clinton's sexual assaults what quaaludes were to Bill Cosby's.
[W]e're talking about a guy who has been accused of the sexual assault of more than ten women. Think about it: How is her appointing him really any different than if she’d appointed Bill Cosby?
But here’s the thing: The real issue isn't whether or not to attack Bill to indirectly attack Hillary -- it's about directly attacking Hillary for how she herself treated the women involved.
Hillary Clinton claims to be pro-women, yet has actively worked to ruin lives of so many of them. She’s running on a "feminist platform" -- she's even dared to say that sexual-assault survivors have a "right to be believed" -- despite the fact that what she did to the women who accused Bill went far beyond not believing them.
She attacked them.
When allegations of sexual misconduct emerged during Bill's 1992 presidential run, she's reported to have said “Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them. Multiple people also report that she called the women "sluts" and "whores" -- you know, for daring to be raped.
A private investigator named Ivan Duda claims that, after Bill lost his second governor’s race, Hillary told him: "I want you to get rid of all these b****** he's seeing . . . I want you to give me the names and addresses and phone numbers, and we can get them under control."
Tough stuff -- read the whole thing.
Hillary's not pro-women-- she's pro one particular woman, and has never been about anything but that.
Glenn Reynolds also writes on the subject.
Reynolds writes that Trump took the #WarOnWomen card out of Hillary's hand by bringing up Bill -- but is that true? I don't really watch the media, so I don't know the answer here: Are they actually covering this angle, or burying it, as usual?