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December 24, 2015
Overnight Open Thread (12-24-2015) – Christmas Eve Edition
A little mood music....
The Real Grinch was a Commie Bastard
In 1969, Castro would in fact ban Christmas. He allowed its public observance again in 1998.
Sadly The Jabal Brothers Didn't Actually Get Shot
"So maybe I'm going to keep my drones the way I keep my firearms - unregistered."
Clueless Republicans: Yes We Must Bomb the Fictional Country of Agrabah
Clueless Democrats: Of Course We'll Take In Refugees From the Fictional Country Of Agrabah
Look I'll be honest: I'm always in favor of bombing some foreigners somewhere just on general principles. I don't think that makes me a bad person.
Poll Shows That Most Americans Still Don't Think Die Hard is a Christmas Movie
Welcoming Our New Robot Reindeer Overlords
Madonna Suing Her Teenage Son to Force Him to Come Stay With Her During the Holidays
Madonna's teenage son Rocco is sick of touring with his pop-star mom, so he's refusing to spend the holiday break with Madge at her Manhattan townhouse. When Rocco, 15, disobeyed his mom's demand to board a plane from London - where he's staying with his filmmaker dad, Guy Ritchie? ?- Madonna ran to court Wednesday to force the teen's return to New York.
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Deborah Kaplan ordered Rocco to come home, but Ritchie's attorney David Typermass made it clear that he would not voluntarily return to the U.S.
"This is a 15 1/2-year-old strapping young kid, so we'll see," a source close to the case told The Post.
The source said Rocco had been traveling with Madonna across the world for her Rebel Heart tour for the last two months.
"The boy said he didn't want to stay with her," the source said. "He's not getting along with his mom, which is not a surprise for a child that age."
The "Like a Virgin" singer announced in August that Rocco would be touring with her.

The Force Is Now Available in a Jar
No midi-chlorians required. As long as you've got the $16.

Mid-Century Christmas Parties
I won't even comment on that one picture. You'll know it when you see it.

Yahoo group. That is all.
Come on be a smartie and join the yahoo group party! For the children.
And my lo-fi Twitter spew.
Tonight's post brought to you by Christmases past:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Happy-fun ball is very, very happy at the moment IYKWIMAITYD so you can taunt him and probably get away with it. Merry Christmas all.

posted by Maetenloch at
08:58 PM
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