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December 23, 2015
Obama Sinks 40-Foot Chip Putt in Hawaii; His Media Entourage Cheers His Success
Video here, if that doesn't work.
Here's how noted objective paper of record Washington Post covered the deaths of six servicemen in Afghanstan, like two years after Obama declared War Is Over If You Want It:
The war in Afghanistan follows Obama to his vacation in Hawaii
HONOLULU -- A deeply conflicted President Obama warned earlier this year when he extended the American troop presence in Afghanistan that he did not support “the idea of endless war.”
For Obama, the deaths Monday of six U.S. soldiers near Bagram air base underscore the perils of his decision to keep as many as 9,800 troops in Afghanistan through much of next year.
A war that Obama had pledged to end before he left office is now increasingly looking endless. That war followed him here to his native Hawaii, where he is on a two-week vacation with his wife and daughters....
Oh no! The war followed Obama to the paradise on earth that is Hawaii, where he was trying to take his mind off his day job of watching tv by playing golf!
The war also followed around some other people -- namely, the people fighting the war in Afghanistan, and the six Americans just killed.
Joseph Lemm returned from a deployment in Afghanistan two years ago to surprise his family as his teenage daughter performed in a singing contest at a New York burger joint.
A New York police veteran and National Guardsman, Lemm hadn't seen his daughter Brook, then 14, son Ryan, then 2, or his wife, Christine, in nearly a year, CNN affiliate News12 reported.
In addition to catching up with loved ones, Lemm had other simple things on his mind: "Pizza. Can't wait for a pizza and a nice American burger. Something that's not frozen before it gets to you, that's what I'm looking forward to," he told the station.
He's dead now but the thing you have to worry about is how this might spoil Obama's 600th round of golf.
Don't think about these minor characters.
Think only of this Hero, the Star of Our Movie, in a difficult moment on his Hero's Journey. The deaths of these walk-ons with no lines aren't important, except to the extent they cause him to reflect, or feel a moment of triumph in.... golf.
I got this link from a partisan leftist asshole who thinks a leather jacket makes him look Not 56 but it's originally from the great Iowahawk.
Update: I thought I had a funny picture of Goth Fonzie but it turns out it wasn't Goth Fonzie.
It wasn't Nick Gillespie, it was Lou Reed doing his best impression of Nick Gillespie.