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Morning Thread (12-22-2015) »
December 21, 2015
Overnight Open Thread (12-21-2015)
Quote of the Day I
"It was fun watching the applecart being upset," Schrader said, "but now where do we go for apples?"
-- Taxi Driver screenwriter Paul Schrader on the destruction of the studio system and old standards of taste in the 70s
Quote of the Day II - Constitutional Scholar and Basketball Analyst Edition

Clusterf*ck at the Miss Universe Pageant
Tonight's Miss Universe pageant concluded with a fiasco, as the announcer apparently misunderstood the final rankings and announced Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutierrez Arévalo, as the winner. Miss Colombia was crowned, presented with flowers and paraded around the stage for a couple of minutes when, to the astonishment of all, the announcer returned and said that he had made a mistake: the real winner was Miss Philippines, Pia Wurtzbach. They mercifully pulled the plug on the broadcast a few moments later. I don't think the television audience saw the crown lifted from Miss Colombia's head.
Well Miss Philippines is alright but I would have still given the crown to Miss Colombia.
Students at Oberlin College Offended by Lack of Fried Chicken in Gen. Tso's Chicken and Pretty Much Every Ethnic Dish Served at Campus Cafeterias Because Cultural Appropriation
Students at an ultra-liberal Ohio college are in an uproar over the fried chicken, sushi and Vietnamese sandwiches served in the school cafeterias, complaining the dishes are "insensitive" and "culturally inappropriate." ...General Tso's chicken was made with steamed chicken instead of fried - which is not authentically Chinese, and simply "weird," one student bellyached in the Oberlin Review.
Others were up in arms over banh mi Vietnamese sandwiches served with coleslaw instead of pickled vegetables, and on ciabatta bread, rather than the traditional French baguette.
"It was ridiculous," gripes Diep Nguyen, a freshman who is a Vietnam native.
Worse, the sushi rice was undercooked in a way that was, according to one student, "disrespectful" of her culture. Tomoyo Joshi, a junior from Japan, was highly offended by this flagrant violation of her rice. "I f people not from that heritage take food, modify it and serve it as 'authentic,' it is appropriative," she said.
Oberlin's black student union joined in the fray this month by staging a protest outside Afrikan Heritage House, an on-campus dorm.
The cafeteria there wasn't serving enough vegan and vegetarian options and had failed to make fried chicken a permanent feature on the Sunday night menu, the school newspaper reported.
Those students started a petition that also recommends the reduction of cream used in dishes, because "black American food doesn't have much cream in it," according to the Review.
You know if the administration had the slightest bit of huevos and didn't mind losing a little revenue for a semester, they would remove every dish the SJWs complain about, publicly post why it's no longer served and simply not replace it with anything. After a semester or two of repeated meatloaf, chicken soup and vegetable medley the rest of the student body would provide a little negative corrective feedback to the oh so sensitive activists and put an end to the Food Outrage game.
Gallup Confirms Democrats Getting More Leftist
Which is why their candidate in second place for the nomination is an avowed socialist.
Leave It to the Left to Make a Fundamental, Beautiful Human Emotion Complicated, Unhappy, and Political
And as David Thompson points out Laurie Penny almost certainly doesn't believe this herself but still feels compelled to lecture others on it.

1901 Letter to the NY Times Editor Calls For Banning Assault Revolvers

The Most Texas Thing Ever
Almost makes you want to go get a DUI in Texas.
And Lt. Clay Higgins of St. Landry Parish, LA Will Make You Not Want to Commit a Crime in His District
Humorless Scold Neil deGrasse Tyson Fact Checks Star Wars: The Force Awakens
The douchebag is insufferably strong in this one. (thanks to Slu)
It Turns Out That ISIS Recruiters Love Online Cat Pictures Too

Dear US Taxpayer: Magnolia Thunderpussy Thanks You For Her Sex Change
'Baker Street': The Mystery of Rock's Greatest Sax Riff
Important life tip: If you have a "F**K COPS" tattoo* on your face....

Who Loves Christmas and Who Are Likely Pagan Haters?
Oregon and Hawaii we are looking at you.

Norway Giving a Mountain to Finland For Christmas
Thus making Finland's highest point 134 feet higher.

Is Mistletoe Kissing a Dying Tradition?
Nearly three quarters of under-35s have never kissed beneath the white berries.

The Yahoo AoSHQ group - it's got electrolytes and shit.
And my twitter thang.
Tonight's post brought to you by the world-wide strawberry crisis:

Notice: Posted by permission of AceCorp LLC. Please use the Ewok's Amazon portal to buy your shit so he can keep posting his.

posted by Maetenloch at
10:56 PM
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