Larry Kudlow: I've Changed My Mind. Seal the Borders. Stop Giving Out Visas Until We Sort This Out. �
December 11, 2015
John Kass: Gee, Obama's Sure Quiet About the Chicago Police Shooting Cover-Up, Huh?
I proposed that GOP candidates should go to Chicago to call for Rahm Emmanuel's resignation and decry Democrats' racist, corrupt rule of cities.
I hope someone will do that. I imagine they won't.
Meanwhile, Obama's quiet as a churchmouse.
Have you watched the news about President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton loudly demanding justice in the Laquan McDonald case in Chicago?
Me neither. I haven't seen word one from the mouths of Obama or Clinton about any of it. All I've seen are tepid, tapioca statements from their spokesmen.
That silence interests me. Sometimes, what politicians avoid, what they won't say, is more compelling than their dog and pony shows and photo ops.
Yes, Clinton did back a call for a Justice Department investigation of Chicago police when the mayor was still in denial. But since then, crickets. She and other national Democrats are keeping their hands off Chicago. And I'm sure you know why.
The guy who runs Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, is their guy.
The whole column is worth reading.
Megyn Kelly also keeps asking: Why is Obama, who has gone to every mass shooting site, staying away from San Bernadino?
The answer is so obvious. As Krauthammer said: Because he doesn't want people to notice the terrorist shooting. He doesn't want people to pay attention to it.
He's pretending it didn't happen, just as he pretended Kathy Steinle wasn't murdered by an ilegal he permitted to remain in this country.