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December 11, 2015
Rasmussen: Belief that Terrorists are Winning the War Hits All Time High
Gallup: Confidence in Government's Handling of Terror Hits All Time Low
The belief that the terrorists are winning the war on terror hits an all-time high, per Rasmussen. At 44%. (Thanks to Comrade Arthur for pointing out the numbers were right beside the text. Duh.)
At the same time, Gallup finds confidence in the government's ability to protect against terror at an all-time low.
Meanwhile, citizens' worries that they themselves may become a victim of terror inches closer to near-post-9/11 levels...
Better convene the NSC to plot a Public Relations strategy -- because, you know, that's what the NSC is there for.
The NSC exists not to advise Obama on actual national security, but to plot with him how to pretend that they're doing something about national security.
Fundamentally transformed? CHECK! A big fat green checkmark that zooms up the page like an eagle feathered with fiat dollars!