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December 09, 2015
FBI: Terror Couple Spoke of Attacks in 2013, Before Rise of ISIS
Al Qaeda is decimated and on the run.
FBI director Comey said the Farook/Malik terror couple discussed making an attack (on America, presumably) as far back as two years ago.
The NYT notes, a bit obviously, that this "raised the possibility" that our vetting system "missed something" in the woman's background check when granting her a K-1 Visa -- and that they were originally inspired by something other than ISIS.
They were "talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom before they became engaged and married and [before both were] living in the U.S.," Comey said.
A lot of that information seems to come from emails and electronic sources. Another source is the "friend" who bought the rifles for Farook, Enrique Marquez, who now says this:
The man who authorities say supplied the San Bernardino shooters with two assault-style rifles was a longtime friend of the gunman and told friends before the attack that there's "Muslims in our backyard just ready to go haywire," according to a report.
Officials believe Enrique Marquez -- a longtime friend and former neighbor of Farook who may have been related through marriage -- bought two rifles for Farook in 2011 or 2012 so Farook's name would not be on file for the rifles, according to ABC News.
The 24-year-old married Mariya Chernyk, whose sister is the wife of the shooter's brother, Reuters reported.
Marquez allegedly checked himself into a mental health facility following the attack, in which Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik opened fire inside a social services center, killing 14 people. The couple was later shot to death.
What do we think about "checking himself into a mental health facility"? Legal defense maneuver?
Marquez is himself a Muslim convert, possibly, I'm guessing, just for marriage.
His friends are saying he's innocent of the plot.
As proof he had nothing to do with murder, they submitted this picture of him: