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November 23, 2015
Diane Feinstein: Our Strategy Against ISIS Is "Insufficient;" Things Are Getting Worse, Not Better
Obama's Not Working, as Mitt Romney said.
"This has gone on too long now. And it has not gotten better. It's gotten worse," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, said on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday. "There may be some land held by ISIL in Iraq and Syria that's been taken back. But for all of that there's much more they have gained in other countries."
The strategy has taken on fresh urgency in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris earlier this month that left more than 120 dead. After the attacks, Mr. Obama promised an "intensification" of U.S. airstrikes against the group and assistance for local troops on the ground, and argued those tactics were working.
Feinstein, however, said Sunday, "I don't think the approach is sufficient to the job."
"I think they're general principles. And they're general principles in terms the administration's strategy, too. But I'm concerned that we don't have the time - and we don't have years. We need to be aggressive now," she said.
Video at the link.