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November 23, 2015
If There's a Holiday Coming Up, It Must Be Time for Progressives to Reveal Their Deep Neuroses and Unresolved Familial Conflicts
What is Thanksgiving, except for an opportunity to DESTROY the beliefs of one's troglodytic family members? Sonny Bunch has some recommendations for the very weird hysterics who view Thanksgiving as a chance to rack up some easy progressive crybully points.
This trend -- of progressives who have deep psychological issues with their family members, and are a bundle of neuroses and hysterias because of those -- gets the Saturday Night Live treatment, and by that, I mean the unfunny treatment.
I think a lot of this is really just the seething anger and jumpy horror of being made to realize, once or twice per year, that you're the least accomplished person sitting down to eat at the table, and while your contemporaries are finding work and founding families, you're still talking up your big plans to launch a hip new magazine which will sort of be like Vox meets Rolling Stone meets Dwell meets Lucky, only edgier...? And like more socially relevant...?
If so, you're going to want a list of tips of how to swaddled your bruised ego in the warm fleece of undeserved self-appreciation. You're going to want to know how to score cheap points on your more-successful, less neurotic kin, in other words, and Megan McArdle has some tips on how to do just that.
thanks to @alexandriabrown (Alex the Chick) and @PolicyLord.