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November 10, 2015
Holy ****: Campuses Now In Control of Full-On Violent Left-wing Fascists
The fascists continued to protest at University of Missouri yesterday. But they had a new demand: that no reporters should be permitted to be there. So they formed a human shield around the protesters, and began assaulting people -- pushing them back -- when reporters did not heed their demands to leave.
The video is astonishing.
"Respect our space" -- or else we call in "muscle."
Time for the tear gas.
Robert Tracinsky has a modest proposal -- we must burn all the universities to the ground. He notes the scalp-hunters demanded Tim Wolfe's scalp because... well, because they could. Because they are bored, attention-seeking, power-craving, and zealous.
A helpful timeline of the case indicates that it started with two cases in which black students at Mizzou said they had racial epithets shouted at them, and one in which a swastika was scrawled on the wall of a bathroom in a university building. In all three of these cases, nobody knows who did it or why. But they were taken as proof of "systemic racism" at the university, and protesters howled for Wolfe’s resignation. Throughout the case, Wolfe issued condemnations of racism, acknowledgements of the justice of the protester’s cause, and apologies for not seeming to take them seriously enough--which, as we should know by now, are all the signs that he’s doomed and will eventually be forced to resign.
Wolfe was targeted, as one protest group put it, because he was "'not completely' aware of systemic racism, sexism, and patriarchy on campus." I love the "not completely." It reminds me of the old rule about totalitarian revolutions: first, you go after the counter-revolutionaries, then you go after the insufficiently enthusiastic. So Wolfe had to be removed for failing to show immediate and total compliance toward their political agenda.
He notes this, both about Mizzou and the Yale obscenity:
Obviously, this isn't about safety and comfort at all. It's about raw power. It's about whose demands will get met whenever they make them--and who will be sacrificed to those demands.
There isn't as much discussion of burning down the universities as I might like in an article headlined "Mizzou And Yale Show Why It’s Time To Burn Universities To The Ground," but heck, can't have everything. At least the idea has been put into play.