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October 28, 2015
Obama's Own Pollster: America Is Increasingly Divided Into Tribes, Along Racial Lines
Get in their faces.
Punish your enemies.
If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.
Obama's pollster tries to explain the growing, and worsening, racial animus in America on historic forces; I guess he forgets that Obama likes to think of himself as the ultimate "historic" president.
Despite President Obama's two election victories, the nation has become increasingly racially divided in its politics and "tribal" in its voting patterns, according to the president's election pollster.
"We've come a long way in a lot of different ways around race in this country, but if you look at our voting patterns, we're as segregated in how we vote today as we were 40-some years ago," said Cornell Belcher, president of Brilliant Corners Research & Strategies and a Harvard University fellow.
In a video for the school's Institute of Politics to tout his study group, "Tribal America --Racial Polarization in the American," the respected and influential pollster said that Obama's election inspired minorities, but also pushed whites away.
"Inspired" minorities is one way to put it; another way is to say he encouraged an angry, prideful racial consciousness among minorities which is generally called "racism" when expressed by white people.