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October 22, 2015
Carson Tops Trump Big In Iowa, 28-20, Per Qunnippiac Poll,
Trump gets most of the headlines, and causes the most consternation in the Establishment, but Ben Carson is frequently right there with Trump.
I think it would be amusing if the Establishment turned their guns on Trump, knocked him out, and escorted Ben Carson to the nomination.
This might just be one poll but Carson has been shown ahead of Trump in Iowa before.
Allah goes deeper into it, and finds it to be a very bad poll for Trump beyond the toplines. 30% of Iowa voters say they definitely would not vote for Trump, which is higher than resistance to Bush, and certainly higher to resistance to Carson (which is only at 4%).
Every once in a while there's a poll that's really bad for Trump and everyone jumps on it either out of anti-Trump bias or simple interest -- it's kind of boring to just re-report that Trump's on top. There's a bias in news coverage in favor of change and against stasis (and that sort of bias applies to nonpartisans too).
This could just be one of those occasional bad polls for Trump, or we could see the emergence of the Establishment's new favorite stalking horse to take down Trump -- Ben Carson.
Trump Taunts Iowans: I think this is a retweet. It's not smart to retweet it, given that Iowans are very, very proud (and thin-skinned, and jealous) of their early-voting privilege.
Monsanto is a major agricorporation. I guess the suggestion is that corporate Montsanto dollars are fueling this...? I'm not sure.
Creeper says he's making some allusion to Montsanto's "chemicals" in their farming methods. That's even worse than the money angle! If that's the case, he's retweeting someone saying that pesticides have made Iowans mentally impaired!
This guy just can't stop talking about ratings -- polls. This is a major problem for him. His very serious sensitivity to every bad "ratings number" makes him overreact to them.
Update: Trump says it was a "young intern" who retweeted that.