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October 16, 2015
State Department Tweet Denounces Palestinian Serial-Killing of Israelis as "Tragic" and "Outrageous" Attacks, Then Deletes Tweet -- To Only Call the Stabbings "Recent" Attacks
Apparently it was a gross overstep by whoever runs the State Department twitter feed to call these savage, gruesome murders "tragic" and "outrageous."
They will now only say that the serial killer murders are merely "recent" attacks.
That Mahmoud Abbas is actually praising the serial killers -- a head of state praising serial killers! -- is so outrageous that even some Arab-Israelis feel compelled to denounce the Palestinian encouragement of serial killing.
Or, as Obama would call it, the "recent attacks."
Abbas encourages the killings, and so too does Obama. Obama feels compelled to speak out against some murders... but is strangely quiet about others.
Matthew Continetti dubs this Obama's Intifada.
More than 30 dead in Israel as Palestinians armed with knives attack innocents. What’s responsible? A campaign of incitement, which slanderously accuses Jews of intruding on the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and murdering Arab children in cold blood.
And who is legitimizing this campaign? None other than Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority...
The terror gripping Israel is the result of a Palestinian leadership so adrift and corrupt, so aggrieved and conspiratorial, that it encourages the radicalization of its youth and promotes an atmosphere of hatred and murder....
And what has the United States done to stop him? Nothing. Not during this presidency. Obama's focus has been laser-like when it comes to Israel’s missteps, Israel's weaknesses, Israel's moral code, and what he sees as Israel's true interests. Abbas, on the other hand, is someone Obama has been content to puff up, placate, excuse, humor, ignore....
So here we are: Palestinians no closer to statehood, Israel terrorized, Jewish and Arab lives being lost, and an atmosphere so rife with revisionism and paranoia that the New York Times is questioning the history of Jews on the Temple Mount. All because President Obama forgot that daylight ends in darkness.
This is Obama's plan to distance himself from Israel to cuddle up to Iran and Hamas -- and some crazies think he might have terrorist sympathies! How silly!