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October 15, 2015
In UK, Judges Propose Making It Illegal to Utter Any Statement Denying Global Warming
This was proposed at a conference -- they're always clanning up in conferences, aren't they? -- in London on "Climate Change and the Law." The conference was funded by UK's Supreme Court (I didn't know they had one), the UK government, and the UN's Environmental Program.
They wish to make it illegal to question the "science."
The purpose of this strange get-together was outlined in a keynote speech (visible on YouTube) by Philippe Sands, a QC from Cherie Blair's Matrix Chambers and professor of law at University College, London. Since it is now unlikely that the world will agree in Paris to a legally binding treaty to limit the rise in global temperatures to no more than 2 degrees C from pre-industrial levels, his theme was that it is now time for the courts to step in, to enforce this as worldwide law.
Although his audience, Sands said, would agree that the scientific evidence for man-made climate change was "overwhelming", there were still "scientifically qualified, knowledgeable and influential individuals" continuing to deny "the warming of the atmosphere, the melting of the ice and the rising of the seas", and that this is all due to our emissions of CO2. The world’s courts, led by the International Court of Justice, said Sands, could play a vital role "in finally scotching these claims".
"The most important thing the courts could do," he said, was to hold a top-level "finding of fact", to settle these "scientific disputes" once and for all: so that it could then be made illegal for any government, corporation (or presumably individual scientist) ever to question the agreed "science" again. Furthermore, he went on, once "the scientific evidence" thus has the force of binding international law, it could be used to compel all governments to make "the emissions reductions that are needed", including the phasing out of fossil fuels, to halt global warming in its tracks.
The fact that it could be seriously proposed in the highest courtroom in the land that the law should now be used to suppress any further debate on what has become one of the most contentious issues in the history of science (greeted with applause from the distinguished legal audience) speaks volumes about the curious psychological state to which the great global warming scare has reduced so many of the prominent figures who today exercise power and influence over the life of our Western societies.
The video of his speech is here, if you can take it.
I'm old enough to remember when courts of uninformed, politicized judges deciding what was and what was not heresy was a bad thing.