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October 02, 2015
Russia Destroys ISIS Training Camp and Command Center That For Some Curious Reason Was Still Standing After a Year of Obama's "Degrade and Destroy" Air Campaign
I guess Obama just didn't notice the ISIS Command Center there.
Obama spoke earlier today about Putin. His big move was, get this, to indulge in Mean Girl put-downs of the Russians, because that's pretty much all he knows -- politicking, insulting, running Mean Girl campaigns against people that are showing him up.
President Barack Obama said Friday that he was willing to work with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on moving Syria away from civil war, but only if that plan includes removing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power.
I'm sure Putin cares very much, Bammy.
Russia, he predicted during a White House press conference, would get stuck in a "quagmire," adding, "It just won't work, and they're going to stay there for a while."
I'm going to guess this is 100% wrong, because the Idiot Princeling is saying it.
The very thin-skinned and vain Idiot Princeling made sure to attack Hillary Clinton for daring to sound tougher than he does (as if that's a difficult trick).
[A]sked whether he now backs no-fly zones in Syria -- which his former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, recommended this week during her presidential campaign -- he warned against "easy, low-cost answers" to ending the war...
He also said, "I also think there's a difference between running for president and being president."
Instead, Obama insisted that the only solution was diplomatic, raising the possibility of a brokered deal to remove Assad from power.
Why would someone need or want Obama for a brokered deal when they can have full victory by force?
Notice how the press plays along with this delusion, as if Obama's impotent mewlings have any effect in the real world at all.
Obama, feeling humiliated (as he ought to), went on to offer other impotent insults, specifically saying Putin is acting out of "weakness" and not strength of the sort shown by the feckless, incompetent coward Obama.
Obama said, "Now, last point I just want to make about this because, you know, sometimes the conversation here in the beltway differs from the conversation internationally. Mr. Assad -- but out of weakness, because his client Mr. Assad was crumbling and it was insufficient for him simply to send them arms and money. Now he’s got to put in his own planes and his own pilots. And the notion that he put forward a plan and that somehow the international community sees that as viable because there’s a vacuum there. I didn’t see after he made that speech in the United Nations suddenly the 60-nation coalition that we have start lining up behind him. Iran and Assad make up Mr. Putin's coalition at the moment."
Yes, but the two countries in their coalition are willing to actually fight, which the 60-country coalition that Obama likes to brag about largely is not.
An army of three guys willing to fight will beat an army of sixty unwilling to fight just about every time.
Obama went on to, as usual, suggest that Putin doesn't properly understand his own interests and goals and if he did he would agree to whatever faggity shit Obama is babbling about.