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Morning Thread (9-30-2015) »
September 29, 2015
Overnight Open Thread (9-29-2015)
Quote of the Day I
What Abdul made of being shanghaied by some high-class Nordic totty to serve as her cabin mate on a stomach-churching voyage of moral exhibitionism, I cannot say. But, from personal observation, the "refugees" around me seemed to take it for granted that asylum in Europe should come with complimentary first-class travel (see picture at top right, from a German train). There were more shrugs at Malmö, when I asked a station official about it. He told me that, on the train from Stockholm the other day, a group of "refugees" had looted the café car. The staff were too frightened to resist. "Everyone wants a quiet life," he offered by way of explanation. Sweden prides itself on accepting more "refugees" per capita than any other European country, and up to a thousand a day are registering for asylum in Malmö. I daintily stepped around that morning's intake slumbering on the concourse.
-- Mark Steyn on his rail trip to Malmo, Sweden
Quote of the Day II
Hungary's efforts to barricade itself were recently criticised as "un-European", which rather misses the point. In fact, Hungary is trying very hard to remain European. Meanwhile, a debate has broken out over whether to describe Europe's future rulers as migrants, refugees or asylum seekers. I prefer the attractive Australianism "reffo", which deserves an international audience. Of course, some view the term as offensive or pejorative. As a journo, I disagree.
-- Tim Blair
Quote of the Day III
Every Republican tax-reform plan should be rooted in this reality: If you are going to have federal spending that is 21 percent of GDP, then you can have a.) taxes that are 21 percent of GDP; b.) deficits. There is no c. If, on the other hand, you have a credible program for reducing spending to 17 or 18 percent of GDP, which is where taxes have been coming in, please do share it.
-- Kevin D. Williamson
Quote of the Day IV
Our attempts to download the briefs and the accompanying booklet have not borne fruit this morning - as these documents exist at the nexus of interest by historians, the press's JFK cult, and conspiracy nut jobs, the Agency server's getting hit on like the only woman at a Dungeons and Dragons convention.
-- WeaponsMan on the release of Presidential briefing documents from the early 60s
Quote of the Day V
"Now my pleasure pillows are purely for my husband."
-- Helen Mirren declaring an end to any further public nudity
The Camp of the Saints Comes To Europe
Jean Raspail's dystopian 70s novel ain't just a novel anymore. Only in this case the migrants swarming Europe are overwhelmingly young Muslim men who are not from Syria but he pretty much nailed the feckless response from European leaders.
Rather than deal with the rapey proclivities of these immigrants the authorities warn young women to avoid showing any flesh lest it provoke the newcomers or simply unapologetically suppress any news of refugee-committed rapes.
Meanwhile the German and Swedish governments are evicting and confiscating housing from their citizens in order to give them to the immigrants.
And they want to criminalize free speech online to deal with any natives who might have the temerity to object to all this.
Why it's as if the leaders of Europe have simply decided to replace their clapped out old citizenry with a new, more vibrant populace and are just trying to make the whole volk transition happen quietly and efficiently with a minimum of fuss.
Read the article and weep.
Mark Steyn's Speech in Copenhagen
For those who missed it last night. It is recommended.
'Severely Traumatized' Clock Kid Ahmed Mohamed Will Go To Qatar For Some Reason
No word if he will bring along his 'science project'.
EPA: Sunlight Bad For Plants
The Clinton Family Fortune and the Missing $50 Million
Fifty mil makes a pretty nice slush fund to make your 'problems' go away.
Planned Parenthood: Um Yeah We Actually Don't Do Any Mammograms
Hey Remember When the Reason to Pull Out of Iraq Was so We Could Defeat AQ and the Taliban in Afghanistan?
Good times, good times.
MN Court Declares BB Guns to Be Firearms
Paul Walker's Daughter Files Lawsuit Against Porsche
For making cars that go fast and aren't lamppost-proof.
Welcome to 2015: Supermom Surprises Her 14 year Old Transgender Son With His First Dose Of Hormones
All I got for my 14th birthday was a radio-cassette player and a Star Trek calendar. Which was pretty much what I was looking for.
Al Bundy On Being a Man
Half of life is just showing up. And the other half is staying in the game no matter how it's going for you.
The Yahoo group is for closers only.
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posted by Maetenloch at
11:24 PM
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