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September 22, 2015
"Someone End This:" Left Now Freaking Out That Jeb Bush Used the Word "Retarded" to Mean "Slowed," As in "Unregulated Immigration Will Lead to Retarded Assimilation"
"Someone end this."
You first, Dummy.
In 2011, Marshall wrote:
But you can't ding President Obama for not more aggressively pushing a plan while ignoring the elephant in the room: the Republicans refusal not only to do anything on job creation but insisting on policies the inevitable outcome of which is to retard job creation.
Emphases in original; not only did Josh Marshall use the R-word, but he italicized it, perhaps in a subtle attempt to suggest that Italians are retarded.
But this is the left now-- just a never ending series of Speech Crimes, Pronoun Panics, and Tweet Hysterias.
Speaking of Pronoun Panics -- Scripps College now lets you choose from ten different combinations of jerry-built pronouns, including one option, for the tremendously self-important and unique, of never being referred to by something as tawdry as a pronoun, ever.
Apparently, the use of incorrect pronouns can be "institutionalized violence."
Scripps College, a private all-women's college in Southern California, is giving students ten pronoun options to choose from in their student portal accounts -- including "hu, hum, hus, himself," "Just My Name Please," and "None."
It's not clear what the hell students who choose "None" are supposed to be called, especially since "Name Only" is another option. Are they (oops! I said "they!") asking to not be spoken to at all? Because that sounds like a microaggression. The other eight options are "E/Ey, Em, Eir/Eirs, Eirself/Emse," "Per, Per, Per/Pers, Perself," "Zi, Hir/Hirs Hirself, "Ze, Zir, Zir/Zirs, Zirself," "They, Them, Their/Theirs, Themse" (used as a singular pronoun) and -- yes -- the archaic "He, Him, His, Himself" or "Her, She, Hers, Herself.:
Zirs are out of eirs freaking minds.