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September 14, 2015
Hillary's Emails Not Wiped and May be Recoverable?
I'm not sure what to make of it. I guess maybe she didn't "wipe" (like with a cloth?) her server for whatever reason (perhaps because it was under subpoena?).
But then she attempted to make people to think it had in fact been wiped, so that people wouldn't go asking for emails?
She has continued claiming that she does not have additional emails in her possession -- thus attempting to get judges to to stop asking about them.
But this may be, get this, a lie.
But while the emails were deleted, they might not have been overwritten in such a way as to render them unrecoverable.
Tech company: No indication that Clinton’s e-mail server was ‘wiped’
By Rosalind S. Helderman, Tom Hamburger and Carol D. Leonnig
The company that managed Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private e-mail server said it has "no knowledge of the server being wiped," the strongest indication to date that tens of thousands of e-mails that Clinton has said were deleted could be recovered.
Clinton and her advisers have said for months that she deleted her personal correspondence from her time as secretary of state, creating the impression that 31,000 e-mails were gone forever.
There is a distinction between e-mails' being deleted and a server being wiped. If e-mails are deleted or moved from a server, they appear to no longer exist on the device. But experts say, depending on the condition of the server, underlying data can remain on the device, and the e-mails can often be restored.
To make the information go away permanently, a server must be wiped -- a process that includes overwriting the underlying data with gibberish, possibly several times.
That process, according to Platte River Networks, the Denver-based firm that has managed the system since 2013, apparently did not happen.
Clinton and her staff have avoided directly answering whether the server was ever wiped.